Tuesday, September 27, 2011 | By: John


David a few years ago.
One constant in the last 21 years in this ministry has been calls from "kids" whom I've gotten to know at the detention centers or in the juvenile prisons. This past week, I was able to speak with several of those guys. Some of them, like Justin, are doing great and just want to check in to see if I'm still alive over here in Ukraine. Others are from guys I haven't heard from in a while, like David, who called from a southern state where he is now living in the woods with some other homeless guys. David has had a tough life from the get-go and we met at one of the detention centers years ago. He used to come with me for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and other events as he was a ward of the state from a young age. He has had many diagnoses, but he's a good guy and he keeps in touch--even if it's after a few years of no contact. David assures me that he is OK, but it's hard to think of him living like that. I guess Jesus did it, but it was in a bit of a different context.

Me and Yur in June
I was over a friend's place last night, when I got a call from Yura. He had been working construction for a month, with his boss telling him he would be paid "next week". His boss took off and now Yura's going to be homeless. "Can you help me?" was his question, one that's also been a constant over the years. Often times, I feel helpless, but that gets me praying and directed towards the One who can help.

Today, I'm the one making calls to see who can help Yura. The blessing is that Yura's faith is strong, as it has been since he first prayed in the juvenile prison 8 years ago. The hard part is that he is down as it's just one of numerous hits in his young life. Please keep Yura, David, Justin and all of the guys in your prayers. There's a reason why Deb used to call them our Keepers: they are gifts from the Lord.


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